AltiServ User Guide 17
Telephone Features
Hands Free
Intercom Mode
#81 Allows you to receive internal calls through the
handset to answer, as the system will connect the
call to your phone automatically within one ring.
Outside calls, however, will continue to ring the
phone, and you must answer these manually.
You can use the handset if that is preferred.
Caution, Security Issue: If you are away from
your desk for a moment, or if the ringer is off,
you may not be aware that a call has come in and
the caller is connected and listening to whatever
conversation you are having.
Pressing #81 activates; pressing #81 a second
time deactivates this feature.
You must use a speaker phone, and the speaker
must be turned on to use this feature. When a
call comes in, you hear a ringing tone from the
speaker, and the call is automatically connected.
Pressing #82 activates; pressing #82 a second
time deactivates this feature.
Activating #82 causes #81 to be deactivated.
Note: If you are using a 390 phone, #81 mode
will automatically be deactivated when
any incoming call is disconnected.
Hands Free Man-
ual Answer Mode
#82 Allows you to receive internal and external calls
through the speaker phone without having to
pickup the handset to answer, provided you use
AltiGen's AltiView or Contact Advantage desk-
top PC application with the ‘Answer’ button to
take the call—by speaker phone, handset, or
headset as you prefer. The system will not auto-
matically answer.
Pressing #82 activates; pressing #82 a second
time deactivates this feature.
Activating #82 causes #81 to be deactivated.
a <ext> = extension num.; <nn> = 2-digit num.; <loc.> location