
You are now the Owner of an CLE 2.0 Compressor/Limiter/Gate. The CLE 2.0 is a very powerful dynamic processor.LTO
We have included in it several innovative circuit designs that make the CLE 2.0 a very versatile processor: smart and fast
recognition of the program, adjustable Expander/Gate and very low distortion Voltage Control Amplifier (VCA).
Feature List:
Smart Knee Control Compressor (SKC)
Soft knee or hard knee? This is the question! SKC combines both: In the "soft knee" mode you control the program
material so that the compression will be the most musical and inaudible. ON the other end, the hard knee function
is used for better precision, limiting signal peaks with precision and will allow you to add creativity to the dynamic
processing. This function also allows you to protect other equipment in the signal loop against distortion.