Raid Introduction
Deleting An Array
The Delete Array <4> Menu option allows for deletion of disk array assignments. This is not the
same as deleting data from the drives themselves. If you delete an array by accident (and
before it has been used again), the array can normally be recovered by defining the array
identically as the deleted array.
WARNING: Deleting an existing disk array could result in its data loss. Make
sure to record all array information including the array type, the disk members,
and stripe block size in case you wish to undo a deletion.
FastBuild (tm) Utility 1.xx (c) 1995-2000 Promise Technology, Inc.
[ Delete Array Menu ]
Array No RAID Mode Total Drv Capacity(MB) Status
Array 1 Mirror 2 8063 Functional
Array 2 Stripe 1 8063 Functional
Array 3 Stripe 1 8063 Functional
Array 4 —— —— —— ——
[ Keys Available ]
] Up [
] Down [ESC] Exit [Del] Delete
1. To delete an array, highlight the Array you wish to delete and press the [Del] key.
2. The View Array Definition menu will appear (see below) showing which drives are
assigned to this array.
FastBuild (tm) Utility 1.xx (c) 1995-2000 Promise Technology, Inc.
[ Define Array Menu ]
Array No RAID Mode Total Drv Capacity(MB) Status
Array 1 Mirror 2 8063 Functional
Stripe Block: 64 KB
[ Drive Assignments ]
Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB) Assignment
1 : MasterQUANTUMCR8.4A 8063 Y
2 : MasterQUANTUMCR8.4A 8063 Y