AMD Geodeā¢ LX Processors Data Book 489
Video Input Port Register Descriptions
19 NI Non-Interlaced Video Input. This bit determines if the start/end-of-frame event occurs
each field (for non-interlaced video) or at the end of the odd field (for interlaced video).
The start/end-of-frame indication is used as the start/end-of-frame indication for the Run
Mode Capture. When in 601 input modes, the NI bit determines if separate vertical back-
porch values are used. For interlaced modes, different vertical start/end values can be
0: Interlaced video (use FIELD and VBLANK flags for start/end-of-frame indication).
1: Non-Interlaced video (use only VBLANK flag for start/end-of-frame indication).
18 MB Message/Streaming Control.
0: Switch buffers each packet input or at end of buffer.
1: Switch buffers only when buffer is full. Store multiple packets in buffer.
17 DZ Disable Zero Detect. Disables ignoring zero data within SAV/EAV packets. When set,
zero data is received and saved in system memory.
0: Normal operation - Zero data in SAV/EAV packets is ignored and not saved to system
1: Accept 0 data and save in system memory.
16 DD Disable Decimation. Disables decimation of even lines of Cr,Cb data for 4:2:2->4:2:0
0: Normal operation - Even lines of Cr,Cb data do NOT get saved in Cr,Cb buffers when
in planar mode.
1: All Cr,Cb data is stored in Cr,Cb main memory buffers.
15:8 DT_EN Data Type Capture Enable. (Only used when VIP_MODE (bits [3:1]) = 001, 010, 011)
0: Disable capture data.
1: Enable capture data.
Bit 8: Task A Video.
Bit 9: Task A VBI.
Bit 10: Task B Video.
Bit 11: Task B VBI.
Bit 12: Ancillary, Rising edge resets the ancillary packet count, the next packet will be
stored starting at the base address.
Bit 13: Reserved (always program to 0).
Bit 14-15: Reserved (always program to 0).
7:5 RUN_MODE Run Mode Capture. Selects capture run mode.
000: Stop capture.
001: Stop capture at end of the current line.
010: Stop capture at end of next field.
011: Stop capture at end of the next frame.
100: Start capture at beginning of next line.
101: Start capture at beginning of the next field.
110: Start capture at beginning of next frame.
111: Start capture (required for msg/data streaming modes).
4P Planar. Determines if video data is stored in a linear format or planar format in system
0: Store data in linear format.
1: Store video data in planar format.
VIP_CTL_REG1 Bit Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description