AMD Geode™ LX Processors Data Book 309
Display Controller Register Descriptions
GLD_MSR_ERROR Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
63:38 RSVD Reserved. Set to 0.
37 CWD_CHECK_ERR Control Word Check Error. Reading a 1 indicates that an invalid control word was
read from the Display FIFO, which is indicative of a FIFO underrun. Writing a 1 to this
bit clears it.
36 SYNCBUF_ERR Synchronizer Buffer Error. Reading a 1 indicates that the display pipe attempted to
read the synchronizer buffer while it was invalid. This is indicative of a synchronizer
buffer underrun. Writing a 1 to this bit clears it.
35 DFIFO_ERR Display FIFO Underrun Error. Reading a 1 indicates that the asynchronous error
signal is being driven because the display FIFO has “run dry”. This implies that at
least one frame of the display was corrupted. Writing a 1 to this bit clears it; writing a
0 has no effect.
34 SMI_ERR Uncleared SMI Error. Reading a 1 indicates that the asynchronous error signal is
being driven because a second SMI occurred while the first SMI went unserviced.
33 ADDR_ERR Unexpected Address Error. Reading a 1 indicates that the exception flag was set
because the DC received a GLIU0 transaction request.
32 TYPE_ERR Unexpected Type Error. Reading a 1 indicates that an asynchronous error has
occurred because the DC received a GLIU0 transaction with an undefined or unex-
pected type.
31:6 RSVD Reserved. Set to 0.
5 CWD_CHECK_MSK Control Word Check Error Mask. When set to 1, disables generation of the asyn-
chronous error signal when an invalid control word is read from the data FIFO.
4 SYNCBUF_MSK Synchronizer Buffer Error Mask. When set to 1, disables generation of the asyn-
chronous error signal when invalid data is read from the synchronizer buffer.
3 DFIFO_ERR_MASK Display FIFO Underrun Error Mask. When set to 1, disables generation of the asyn-
chronous error signal when at least one frame of the display was corrupted.
2 SMI_ERR_MASK Uncleared SMI Error Mask. When set to 1, disables generation of the asynchronous
error signal when a second SMI occurred while the first SMI went unserviced.
1 ADDR_ERR_MASK Unexpected Address Error Mask. When set to 1, disables generation of an excep-
tion flag when the DC receives a GLIU0 request.
0 TYPE_ERR_MASK Unexpected Type Error Mask. When set to 1, disables generation of the asynchro-
nous error signal when the DC received a GLIU0 transaction with an undefined or
unexpected type.