©American Audio® - www.americandj.com - DIGI-PRO™ Instruction Manual Page 18
Activating the Pitch Slider (23): To activate the PITCH SLIDER
(23), turn the pitch function on. Press the PITCH BUTTON (7) to turn
on the pitch function, when the pitch function is activated a LED will
begin to glow (or flash depending on what pitch percentage value is
selected, see changing pitch values on page 18). If the pitch function
is not activated neither the PITCH SLIDER (23) nor the PITCH BEND
BUTTONS (15 & 16) will not function.
This function will increase or decrease a tracks playback speed or "PITCH," this is not a momentary change
as in "PITCH BENDING" (see page 19). The maximum pitch bend percentage allowed is +/-16%. The PITCH
SLIDER (21) is used to decrease or increase the playback pitch. If the slider is move up (towards the top
of the unit) the pitch will decrease, if the slider is moved down (towards the bottom of the unit) the pitch
will increase. The PITCH SLIDER (23) adjustment can be changed to range from +/-8%, +/-12%, or +/-16%
(See changing "PITCH SLIDER PERCENTAGE RANGE" figure 19/page 20). The pitch adjustments will effect
playback, reverse playback, and loops.
Using the Pitch Slider (21): To use the PITCH SLIDER (23) slide
the slider up and down. Down will increase the pitch and up will
decrease the pitch. When the slider is in the center position, a green
LED just left of the slider will glow. When this slider LED is glowing
there is zero pitch being applied to a track.
Figure 13
Figure 12
Adjusting the Pitch Slider's Range (21): You may change the PITCH
SLIDER'S (23) operating range. To change the operating range be sure
the pitch function is turned on, see figure 17. The pitch percentage
can be changed between +/-8%, +/-12%, and +/-16%. +/-8% will allow
the least amount of pitch manipulation and +/-16% will allow the most
amount of pitch manipulation. To adjust to the different values tap the
P.SELECT BUTTON (8). The LED beside the PITCH BUTTON (7)
will indicate which pitch percentage mode the unit is operating in.
Glowing green for +/-8%, glowing orange for +/-12%, or glowing red
for +/-16%. Note, the pitch function must be activated to receive a
LED reading.
Figure 14