The (-) pitch bend function
creates a momentary “Slow Down” in the CD’s
pitch speed (Beats per minute - BPM) when the
function is activated. This functions
allows the beats between two CD’s or any other
music source to match. This is a momentary
function. When the button is depressed the pitch
speed will automatically return to
selected pitch. Holding down this but-
ton will give a maximum of -12% pitch. Be sure
to remember that this function is a momentary
pitch adjust-ment, for a more precise adjustment
with another playing music source.
The (+) pitch bend function
creates a momentary “BUMP” in the CD’s pitch
speed (Beats per minute - BPM) when the
function is activated. This functions allows
the beats between two CD’s or any other music
source to match. This is a momentary function.
When the button is depressed the pitch speed
will automatically return to
selected pitch. Holding down this button will give
a maximum of +12% pitch. Be sure to remember
that this function is a momentary pitch adjust-
ment, for a more precise adjustment use the
another playing music source.
This button is used to turn
the pitch function on and off. The pitch func-
function without this function being activated.
This slider is used to adjust
the playback pitch percentage when the
function is activated. The slider is a set
adjustment and will remain set until the pitch slid-
turned off. This adjustment can be made with or
without a CD in the drive. The pitch adjustment
will remain even if a disc has been remove, and
will reflect on any other disc loaded into the unit.
That is to say, if you set a +2% pitch on one disc,
remove that disc and insert another, that disc too
will have a +2% pitch. The amount of pitch being
applied will be displayed in the
slider to match the BPM’s of this unit to that of
another music source. By changing the pitch of
one disc with respect to the other in this way, the
supplies vary from location to location a voltage
selector switch has been incorporated in the unit's
design. This switch can select a voltage input of
120v or 220v to accommodate the two major
power source. Always be sure to disconnect the
power plug before changing the voltage.
connection. The power cord is polarized and is
designed to fit in the socket one way. Do not
attempt to force the cord in to a socket if it does
not fit. If the cord does not fit one way, try flipping
it over. Also, be sure the local power matches the
This jack sends a digital
stereo out signal. Use this connection to create
near perfect copies of your disc to a Mini disc,
CD-R, or any other recording device with a digital
send a left and right output signal. Use these jacks
to send an audio signal to a mixer or receiver. The
red colored jack represents the right channel out-
put and white jack represents the left channels
output. Used together these signal reproduce a
cator details a current track. The number dis-
played in the track indicator is a direct reference
to a track being selected for programming or a
track in play, pause, or cue mode.
the elapse, or remaining time in minutes. The dis-
play time will be indirect reference to the current
the elapse, or remaining time in seconds. The
display time will be indirect reference to the cur-
This meter will display the
- www.americandj.com - SCD-100™ Instruction Manual Page 11