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5-Pin XLR DMX Connectors.
Some manufactures use 5-pin XLR
connectors for DATA transmission in place of 3-pin. 5-pin XLR xtures
may be implemented in a 3-pin XLR DMX line. When inserting stan-
dard 5-pin XLR connectors in to a 3-pin line a cable adaptor must be
used, these adaptors are readily available at most electric stores. The
chart below details a proper cable conversion.
Conductor 5-Pin XLR Male (In)3-Pin XLR Female (Out)
Pin 1
Pin 5 - Do Not Use
Pin 4 - Do Not Use
Pin 3
Pin 2
Pin 1
Pin 3
Pin 2
Not Used
Not Used
Data True (+ signal)
Data Compliment (- signal)
3-Pin XLR to 5-Pin XLR Conversion
DJ Scan 250 EX™ Set Up DJ Scan 250 EX™ System Menu
Note: After making any adjustments in the operating
system, there is a 10 second delay.
ADDR - DMX Address Setting.
1. Tap the MENU, UP, or DOWN buttons until “ADDR” is dis-
played, press ENTER.
2. A number between 1-512 will be displayed and ashing.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to nd your desired address.
Press ENTER to set your desired DMX address.
SLND - This will let you set unit as a master or slave in a
master/slave conguration.
1. Tap the MENU button until “SLND” is displayed, press
ENTER. Either “MSTR”, “SL 1” or “SL 2” will be displayed.
2. Tap the UP or DOWN buttons until your desired setting is
displayed, press ENTER to conm and exit.
BLND - Blackout or Stand by mode.
1. Tap the MENU button until “BLND” is displayed, press
ENTER. Either Yes or No will be displayed.
2. To activate Blackout tap the UP or DOWN buttons until Yes is
displayed, press ENTER to conm and exit. The xture will now
be in Blackout mode. To deactivate Blackout mode, select No
and press Enter.
I PAN - Pan Inversion
1. Tap the MENU button until “I PAN” is displayed, press ENTER.
Either NO or 1 will be displayed.
2. To activate the Pan inversion tap the UP or DOWN buttons
until I is displayed, press ENTER to conm and exit. To deacti-