Fire Bowl™ Set-Up/Operation Cont.
Repositioning The Flame (Silk Drape):
You may wish to reposition the ame drape to customize the effect.
1. Move the ame drape along the ame attachment rail by sliding
the magnetic ends along the rail.
2. For best results, do not stretch out the ends of the silk drape as
tight as it can get along the bottom. For a more realistic effect
allow some play between the two ends of the silk drape, move the
magnets slightly away from the side of the casing to achieve a
more realistic ame effect.
3. For best results; experiment with the ame position. Slight changes
in the position of the silk drape can drastically change the effect.
©American DJ Supply® - www.americandj.com - Fire Bowl™ Instruction Manual Page 6
©American DJ Supply® - www.americandj.com - Fire Bowl™ Instruction Manual Page 5
Fire Bowl™ Silk Drape
If the silk drape becomes creased, you may iron the ame using a non-
drip iron on a low setting. Do not steam iron.
If the silk drape becomes frayed, you may use a sharp pair of scissors
to carefully cut the loose silk strands. The silk drapes may become
frayed after a period of four weeks.
Fire Bowl™ Warranty Registration
The Fire Bowl™ carries a 90 day limited warranty. Please fill out the
enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase. All returned service
items whether under warranty or not, must be freight pre-paid and
accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number. If the unit is under
warranty you must provide a copy of your proof of purchase invoice.
Please contact American DJ® customer support for a R.A. number.
Fire Bowl™ Cleaning
Fixture Cleaning:
Due to fog residue, smoke, and dust cleaning should be carried out
periodically to optimize light output. Cleaning frequency depends on
the environment in which the fixture operates (I.e. smoke, fog residue,
dust, dew). In heavy club use we recommend cleaning on a monthly
basis. Periodic cleaning will ensure longevity, and crisp output. Always
be sure the unit is turned off and unplugged before performing any
cleaning procedures.
1. Use normal glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the outside
2. Use a brush to wipe down the fan grill.
3. Whip down the colored bulb covers with a damp cloth to remove
4. Always be sure to dry all parts completely before plugging the unit
back in.
Fire Bowl™ Lamp & Fuse Replacement
Caution: Always replace with the exact same type lamp and fuse,
unless otherwise specified by an authorized American DJ® technician.
Replace with anything other than the specified part can damage your
unit and will void your manufactures warranty.
Warning: If after you have replaced the lamp or fuse and you
continue to blow either one, STOP using the unit. Contact customer
support for further instructions, you may have to return the unit for
servicing. Continuing to use the unit may cause serious damage.
Fuse Replacement: Disconnect the unit’s main power supply. Insert
a standard flat head screw driver in to the fuse holder housing located
on inner plate of the unit. Turn the screwdriver in counter-clockwise
direction to unlock the fuse holder. Remove the fuse holder to expose
the fuse. Remove the old fuse and discard it. Replace the fuse with
the same type. Insert the fuse holder back into it’s housing and turn it
in clockwise direction to lock the holder back in to place.
Lamp Replacement: Caution! Never attempt to change the lamps
while the fixture is plugged in. Always disconnect the main power
and allow the unit ample time to cool before attempting to replace
the lamp.
1. Be sure to follow the proper procedures when handling halogen
lamps. Never touch the new lamp with your bare fingers.
2. Carefully pull the lamp out of the socket and discard it.
3. Replace the lamp with an exact match.
4. If necessary adjust the position of the lamps.