©American DJ Supply® - www.americandj.com - Roto-Balls™ Instruction Manual Page 4
Roto-Balls™ Fuse & Lamp Replacement
Caution: Always replace with the exact same type lamp and
fuse, unless otherwise specified by an authorized American DJ®
technician. Replace with anything other than the specified part
can damage your unit and will void your manufactures warranty.
Fuse Replacement:
Disconnect the unit’s main power supply. Insert a standard flat head
screw driver in to the fuse holder housing. Turn the screwdriver in
counter-clockwise direction to remove the fuse holder. Remove the
old fuse and discard it, replace the fuse with the same type. Insert the
fuse holder back into it’s housing and turn in clockwise direction to
lock the holder in place.
Lamp Replacement:
Caution! Never open the unit when in use. Always disconnect the
main power and allow the fixture ample time to cool before attempting
to replace the lamp. Lamp replacement has been made simple by
incorporating a split dome that is retained by thumb screws. Again,
please remember to always replace with the exact same type lamp.
1. Be sure to follow the proper procedures when handling halogen
lamps. Never touch the new lamp with your bare fingers.
2. Remove the three thumb screw that secure the upper half of the
dome to the lower.
3. Carefully pull up the upper half of the dome to expose the lamp.
4. Remove and replace the lamp.
5. Reassemble in reverse order.
If after you have replaced the lamp or fuse and you continue
to blow either one, STOP using the unit. Contact customer sup-
port for further instructions, you may have to return the unit for
servicing. Continuing to use the unit may cause serious damage.
• 104 Vibrantly Colored Beams.
• 10 RPM Motor.
• Easy Lamp Replacement.
• Air Cooled.
• Light Weight, Compact Case Design.
• Built-In Mounting Plate.
• Bright LL-200 or LL-200/2 (200 Watt Lamp).
• Low Power Consumption.
Roto-Balls™ Features
Power Supply: Before plugging your unit in, be sure the source volt-
age in your area matches the required voltage for your American DJ®
Roto-Balls.™ The American DJ® Roto-Balls
is available in a 120v and
220v version. Because line voltage may vary from venue to venue, be
sure to plug your xture into a wall outlet with a matching power supply
before attempting to operate.
Roto-Balls™ Warranty Card
The Roto-Balls™ carries a 90 day limited warranty. We recommend
you fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase.
All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be
freight pre-paid and accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number.
If the unit is under warranty, you must provide a copy of your proof
of purchase invoice. Please contact American DJ® customer support
for a R.A. number.
Roto-Balls™ Power Supply Roto-Balls™ Unpacking
Every Roto-Balls™ has been thoroughly tested and has been shipped
in perfect operating condition. Carefully check the shipping carton for
damage that may have occurred during shipping. If the carton appears
to be damaged, carefully inspect your xture for any damage and be
sure all literature has arrived intact. In the case damage has been found
or parts are missing, please contact our toll free customer support
number for further instructions.
©American DJ Supply® - www.americandj.com - Roto-Balls™ Instruction Manual Page 3
General Operation:
Simplicity! Just plug this light in, and watch it go. This fixture is
designed to operate as a stand alone unit, there is no need of a
controller. The Roto-Balls™ is ready to be plugged in, out of the box.
There is no power switch, after plugging the unit the unit will light up
and rotate in a single direction, while the twin balls also rotate. If there
is no lamp output, please check the fuse and bulb as they sometimes
become loose during shipping. If the fuse and bulb are good, please
contact customer support for further instructions.
Roto-Balls™ Operation