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Siren Wiring Detail
Purple Wire: (+) Door Trigger Input
If the vehicle's door courtesy light switches + 12 volts when the door is opened, (Some Fords and some
Imports), you must connect this wire to the positive output from one of the vehicle's door pin switches. In
most cases, the Purple wire will need to be connected to only one door switch no matter how many doors
the vehicle has as most door lighting circuits are wired in parallel. This wire will be shunted when remote
starting the vehicle and will remain shunted, if active, while running under command of the remote start. If
this wire is active when the system is armed, the siren will emit three chirps. When the zone clears, the
siren will emit 1 chirp to confirm full arming. See below for wiring details.
Note for vehicles with interior delay lighting see programming under title "Completing The Installation".
Positive Door Switch Wiring Detail
Dark Green Wire: (-) Instant Trigger Input
This is the instant on ground trigger input wire. This wire must be connected to the hood and trunk pin
switches previously installed.
NOTE: This wire will be shunted when remote control channel 3 is accessed, (trunk release). This wire
will remain shunted all the while there is ground present and for 5 seconds after the ground is removed.
This allows the operator to open the trunk via the remote transmitter without having to first disarm the
alarm system. See below for wiring detail.
Hood Pin Switch Detail
Light Blue Wire: Ground Output While Running Under Remote Start Control
This wire provides a 300mA ground output that becomes active 3 seconds before the Remote Start
Unit initializes and remains grounded while running plus an additional 4 seconds after the Remote Start
Unit turns off. In all of the applications described below, a relay will be required.
The Light Blue wire can be used to accommodate the following situations: