Chapter 8
8-1 INTRODUCTION This section discusses typical measurements that can be made with
the Model 37xxxE Vector Network Analyzer.
This discussion provides information on general measurement consid
erations and transmission and reflection measurements using the
Setup and Calibration
To get started, apply power to the system.
After turning on the power, allow the system to warm up for at least
60 minutes before operation.
In normal operation, the system comes on line in the state that it was
in when last turned off. If you want to return the system to its default
state, you can do so by pressing the Default Program key twice.
The default parameters provide a known starting point. For example,
they reset the start and stop frequencies for maximum sweep width,
the source control to 0 dB, and the display resolution to 401 data
The Sweep Setup menu should now appear on the display (it also can
be displayed using the Setup Menu key). If you like, you can select a
new start frequency, stop frequency, or source power.
You can further reduce the power level at Ports 1 and 2 with the
built-in attenuators. Using the Reduced Test Signals option in the
Sweep Setup menu, you can change the setting of the Port 1 source at
tenuator over a range of from 0 to 70 dB. The Port 2 test attenuator
has a range of from 0 to 40 dB (in 10 dB steps) (if Option 6 is in
37xxxE OM 8-3