Using the Demo Application Sample Visual Basic Code
B-2 MA24106A UG
// This sample program shows how to control Anritsu MA24106A USB power sensor using
//Microsoft Visual basic 6.0
Option Explicit
Public gstrInputBuffer As String
'Event handler for InitializeComPort button
Private Sub btnInitializeComPort_Click()
Call SetCommPort(Val(Trim(txtCOMPORTNo.Text)))
End Sub
'Subroutine to set the com port
Public Sub SetCommPort(portNo As Integer)
On Error GoTo errHndler
'Setup MSComm control
MSComm1.Settings = "115200,n,8,1"
MSComm1.CommPort = Trim(txtCOMPORTNo.Text)
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
MSComm1.RThreshold = 1
MSComm1.SThreshold = 1
'Wait for half a second before sending START command
Delay (0.5)
'Arm sensor to start making measurements
txtCommand.Text = "START"
Call btnSend_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("ERROR: " & Err.Description)
End Sub
'Event handler for ResetComPort button
Private Sub btnResetComPort_Click()
'Close com port
If MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then
MSComm1.PortOpen = False
End If
End Sub
'Event handler for Send button
Private Sub btnSend_Click()
Dim strResult As String
'Clear buffer & receive text window before sending command
gstrInputBuffer = ""
txtReceived.Text = ""
'Send command and appeand Termination character, 0x0A(10)with it.
MSComm1.Output = UCase(txtCommand.Text) & Chr(10)
'Display received result on the Received text box
txtReceived.Text = strResult
End Sub