Using the Script Menu MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set
Initial Carrier Test (Standard Mode)
The initial carrier test performs a frequency accuracy test on a DH1 pseudo random data
packet. (PRBS 9) This test can be performed using either the loopback test control or the
TX test control. The default is to use the loopback test control. This test can be made with
either hopping on or off.
With hopping off, the MT8850A/MT8852A measures the initial carrier frequency error at
the three frequencies defined on the LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH set up screen. The
number of packets measured at each frequency is set by the user in the “Number of
packets” field. This is the test method described in the Bluetooth RF Test Specification for
an initial carrier frequency test with hopping off.
With hopping on, the MT8850A/MT8852A can make the measurement in one of two ways.
If Hopping On mode is set to “All”, the MT8850A/MT8852A will measure the initial carrier
frequency at every one of the 79 frequencies in the Bluetooth channel structure. The
number of packets measured at each frequency is set by the user in the “Number of
packets” field. This is the test method described in the Bluetooth RF Test Specification for
an initial carrier frequency test with hopping on.
If Hopping On mode is set to “Any” the MT8850A/MT8852A measures the power at the
next frequency that the link hops to after the previous initial carrier frequency
measurement has been completed. The total number of packets measured is set by the
user in the “Number of packets” field. This is typically the shortest option as there is no
requirement to measure a large number of packets at every frequency.
When the measurement is made using TX mode the MT8850A/MT8852A sets up the EUT
so that when the EUT is polled it transmits a DH1 packet with a pseudo random payload
for each of the frequencies selected (LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH). This test can be
performed with hopping off and on. The LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH frequencies relate to
the default frequencies specified in the Bluetooth RF test specification. The
MT8850A/MT8852A allows all the frequencies to be changed. When the test is performed
in TX test mode EUT transmitter and receiver frequencies must be the same.
1. Choose Init carrier from the Script menu.
2. Press the
key to select or deselect this test from the script routine.
If a test is selected, the box will be filled in. If not selected the box will be hollow.
3. Press the
[Setup] soft key.
The Initial carrier test conditions screens are displayed.
The first screen lets you enter the number of packets to send, switch hopping on or off
and change test type. If hopping is on you can change the mode.
13000-000109 8-17
June 2003 Testing in Standard Script Mode