Parameter Definitions
Parameter # of bytes Step Example / Description
Frequency 4 bytes unsigned 1 Hz 1000.3 MHz = 1000300000
Scale (RL, CL) 2 bytes unsigned 1 / 1000 dB 51.3 dB = 51300
(SWR) 2 bytes unsigned 1 / 1000 (ratio) 65.53 = 65530
Limit (RL, CL) 2 bytes unsigned 1 / 1000 dB 51.3 dB = 51300
(SWR) 2 bytes unsigned 1 / 1000 (ratio) 65.53 = 65530
Markers (frequency and
distance marker)
2 bytes unsigned 1 sweep point
Marker values are given in relative position of the graph. The
lowest value is 0, the highest is (# of data points –1).
Distance 4 bytes unsigned 1/100,000 m/ft 12.34 m = 1234000
Relative Propagation Velocity 4 bytes unsigned 1 / 100,000 0.837 = 83700
Cable Loss 4 bytes unsigned 1 / 100,000 dB -0.345 dB/m = 34500
Gamma 4 bytes signed 1 / 10,000 (ratio)
Gamma value is the ratio of magnitude of the reflected signal over
the magnitude of the incident signal.
Phase 4 bytes signed 1 / 10 degree
Phase value is the difference in phase between the incident and
reflected signals.
Power: dBm/dB 4 bytes signed
1 / 1000 dBm
1 / 1000 dB
51.3 dBm = 51300
10.4 dB = 10400
Lock Fail Counter 2 bytes unsigned 1 error count 234 fails = 234
Integrator Fail Counter 2 bytes unsigned 1 error count 123 fails = 123
Site Master PM 119