Signature–MathWorks Connectivity (Option 40 only) Software Peripherals
6-4 MS278XB OM
MATLAB Control
Once the connection to MATLAB is established, a Desktop Window is launched as shown below:
The Main MATLAB Interface has three sub-windows:
• Workspace: This shows information about MATLAB variables. Note the tab selection to show either the
Workspace or the current directory.
• Command History: This shows the command history. You can double-click on a command to execute it
or single-click to copy and then paste in the command window for editing.
• Command Window: This is where you type commands. You can do math, plot graphs, or start
The Workspace contains variables/data from the Signature software. Signature can output a variety of data to
MATLAB to enable users to do their own measurements or analysis. These outputs include active traces, setup
information, and I/Q vectors.
To control the interaction between Signature and MATLAB in the Signature GUI, you can choose a MATLAB
script to run and control the synchronization between the two environments.
For in depth descriptions and procedures on how to use the advanced power that MATLAB brings to
Signature’s measurement analysis capabilities, refer to the Anritsu application note, “Custom Measurements
and Analysis using MATLAB® on Signature™,” PN: 11410-00353 found at the documents area of Anritsu
Internet site: http://www.us.anritsu.com
Note: If you do not see the normal desktop, you can restore it by clicking on: Desktop | Desktop Layout | Default
Figure 6-2. MATLAB Main Interface