Force Tuning
by Time
Force Tuning
by Channel
Force Tuning
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Force Tuning
by Time
Force Tuning
by Channel
Force Tuning
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Forced Tuning is an advanced feature for the commercial
market that allows programmed events to occur throughout
the day or week in an unattended manner. These events can
program the unit to turn on or off, lock and unlock the front
buttons, change channel, and change volume. Up to 100
events may be programmed in the XM-100.
Use of the provided remote control is required to review
or program Forced Tune events. This functionality
cannot be accessed from the front panel.
The up/down arrows of the remote navigate through the first 4
menu selections displayed above. Pressing the SEL key on the
remote (in the center of top button cluster) selects the
displayed menu option and brings up a sub menu described
below. Pressing the Mode button exits out of this function.
The first 3 menu choices - Forced Tuning by Day&Time, Forced
Tuning by Time, and Forced Tuning by Channel allow you to
review previously set forced tune events sorted for display in 3
different ways. Each display method shows identical and
complete information for each Forced Tune event, only the
order of events displayed is different between the 3 options.
These options are provided to help manage advanced
installations utilizing a large number of Forced Tune events.