164 Block intake ON OEM Specic
1. Check wiring and correct any errors.
2. Inspect the Block Intake Switch to make sure it is
working correctly.
3. Reset and sequence the module.
4. During Standby and Purge, measure the voltage
across the switch. Supply voltage should
be present. If not, the Block Intake Switch is
defective and needs replacing.
5. If the fault persists, replace the relay module.
165 Block intake OFF L
166-171 RESERVED
172 Main relay feedback incorrect Internal Fault.
1. Reset Module.
2. If fault repeats, replace module.
173 Pilot relay feedback incorrect L
174 Safety relay feedback incorrect L
175 Safety relay open L
176 Main relay ON at safe start check L
177 Pilot relay ON at safe start check L
178 Safety relay ON at safe start check L
179-183 RESERVED
Parameter Faults
184 Invalid BLOWER/HSI output setting 1. Return to Conguration mode and recheck
selected parameters, reverify and reset module.
2. If fault repeats, verify electrical grounding.
3. If fault repeats, replace module.
185 Invalid Delta T limit enable setting L
186 Invalid Delta T limit response setting L
187 Invalid DHW high limit enable setting L
188 Invalid DHW high limit response setting L
189 Invalid Flame sensor type setting L
190 Invalid interrupted air switch enable setting L
191 Invalid interrupted air switch start check enable
192 Invalid igniter on during setting L
193 Invalid ignite failure delay setting L
194 Invalid ignite failure response setting 1. Return to Conguration mode and recheck
selected parameters, reverify and reset module.
2. If fault repeats, verify electrical grounding.
3. If fault repeats, replace module.
195 Invalid ignite failure retries setting L
196 Invalid ignition source setting L
197 Invalid interlock open response setting L
198 Invalid interlock start check setting L
199 Invalid LCI enable setting L
200 Invalid lightoff rate setting L
201 Invalid lightoff rate proving setting L
202 Invalid Main Flame Establishing Period time L
203 Invalid MFEP ame failure response setting L
204 Invalid NTC sensor type setting L
205 Invalid Outlet high limit response setting L
206 Invalid Pilot Flame Establishing Period setting L
207 Invalid PII enable setting L
208 Invalid pilot test hold setting L
209 Invalid Pilot type setting L
210 Invalid Postpurge time setting L
211 Invalid Power up with lockout setting L