Jeppesen Approach Procedure Charts
identify Phase-2 overlay approaches by
printing GPS contained in parenthesis,
(GPS) along with the procedure name.
Phase III GPS approaches must contain GPS in the
title of the GPS procedure such as VOR or GPS RWY
24. Neither the ground station navaid(s) nor the
traditional aircraft avionics is required. If the
approach is to be flown using the Apollo GX, it
should be requested and approved by the GPS name,
such as GPS RWY 24. If it is to be flown with the
traditional avionics, it should be requested and
approved by that name, such as VOR RWY 24.
You should always plan the route and approach to
any required alternate airport as if a supplementary
navigation system, such as GPS or Loran-C, may not
be available. The traditional en route and approach
Navaids must be operating and the aircraft must have
the required avionics to use for required alternates.
You may use a supplementary system, such as GPS,
to navigate to an alternate airport. You may execute a
GPS approach to a required alternate, but you must
plan for the possibility that GPS navigation will not
be available.
FAA guidelines on IFR use of GPS and GPS
approaches are contained in an FAA Advisory
Circular (AC), AC 90-94. You should be familiar with
the information in this AC before attempting GPS
In order to use the Apollo GX for an approach, the
approach must be selected from the Apollo GX
database and loaded into the active flight plan. Only
approaches found in the Apollo GX database may be
flown with the Apollo GX.
Approach Notes