
Wind Direction and Speed
True Wind Direction, Magnetic Wind Direction, and
the outside Wind Speed are displayed.
Wind Dir 000°Tru
Wind Dir 342°Mag
Wind Spd 15kts
Fuel Info An installed Fuel Data Sensor will provide the
following information.
Fuel Endurance
Estimated fuel Endurance based on the current
amount of fuel in the regular (nonreserve) tanks
at the current burn rates
Nautical miles per fuel unit
Remaining fuel (not including reserves)
Endurance 20:18
nm per usg —.-
Remain 452usg·
Range, Burn Rate, and Fuel Used
Estimated Fuel Range based on current fuel in
nonreserve tanks, current burn rate, and current
Current Burn Rate in fuel units per hour
Total Fuel Used since power up
Range _____nm
Burn 22.5usg/hr
Used 21usg
System Functions