If the GPS sensor is not sending a valid position, or
the current TO waypoint is blank, the CDI will
display “—Nav Flagged—”.
TO/FROM Indicator
The triangle symbol is also used as a TO-FROM
indicator. When the triangle is facing up, you are on
the “TO” side of the destination waypoint. When the
triangle is facing upside down, you are on the
“FROM” side of the destination waypoint.
Desired Track (Dtk)
Desired Track is the initial course angle between the
FROM and TO waypoints referenced to the magnetic
variation at the current FROM waypoint. Desired
Track is shown from 0 to 359 degrees in one degree
increments and is updated in reference to your
present position. The Leg distance shown (42.4 nm)
is the current FROM/TO distance. DTK varies with
Turn Anticipation (page 36) and DME Arcs (page
ete aSLE 00:37
0.006 “
Dtk 173 42.4nm
Leg (FROM-TO) Distance
The distance from current FROM waypoint to the
current TO waypoint is shown as a value on the right
side of the Desired Track page, but does not show any
label. In this example, the leg (FROM-TO) distance
is 42.4 nm. The nautical mile units are 0.00 to 9.99
nm at 0.01 nm resolution, 10.0 to 99.9 nm at 0.1 nm
resolution, and 100 to 9999 nm at one nm resolution.
Kilometer units are 0.00 to 99.99 km at 0.01 km
Navigation Basics
TO side of destination
From side of destination