AnIMY isinstalled asa monitoringdeviceand back-up
controller for a freezer storage facility. Normally, the
freezer temperatureis maintained at about -29°C ±2°. The
absolutemaximum allowable temperatureof thefreezer is
IMY is programmed to start a secondary cooling system
shouldthe temperature reach 0°C. The additionalalarm of
the IMY is used to signal personnel with a warning bell
when the temperature rises above -17°C (indicating a
possible failure of the main cooling system).This alarm is
programmed to latch in order to assure that personnel
inform maintenance of a possible problem. Key switches
are installed to lockout thefront panelfrom unauthorized
personnel and to provide a means of resetting the latched
alarm. The Integrator/totalizer option is specified to store
peak and valley temperatures overnight, weekly, etc.
Programming module #5 (Pro 5) is used to set up the
integrator.There-transmittedanalogoutputis specifiedto
drive a chart recorder with 4-20 mA for a hard copy of
temperature profiles for later evaluation.