
Updated 23/05/07 RAOM0507 Apollo Bicycle Company Pty. Ltd. ABN: 60 001 914 469
General Rules
- The same road rules used for vehicles apply to
cyclists. Obey the road rules at all times, such
as giving way to pedestrians, and stopping
at red traffic signals
- Notify the Road Traffic Authority in your state if further
information is required.
- Ride on the left side of the road and never against
the traffic.
- Take extra care when attempting to overtake other
vehicles and at intersections.
- Indicate intended actions, such as turning or
stopping, by using appropriate hand signals.
- Ride predictably and in a straight line.
- Always ride defensively. You may be difficult to see
to other road users.
- Closely observe the riding terrain. Avoid obstacles
such as pot holes, gravel, wet road markings, oil,
curbs, speed humps and drain grates.
- Be alert. Watch for such things as motorists opening
doors or backing out of concealed driveways.
- Sound your bell for a warning when required.
- Train and tram tracks should be crossed at a
90 degree and preferably walk your bicycle over.
- Know how your bicycle operates. Practice braking,
gear shifts and if fitted, using toe clips and straps.
- Always apply the rear brake first, then the front when
braking. The front brake is more potent and if it is not
used properly you may loose control and fall.
- Allow reasonable space between yourself and other
vehicles and objects when riding and stopping.
Take note of weather conditions and its possible
impact on safe braking distances. e.g.. Wet riding
surfaces increase braking distances.
- Use leg clips or elastic bands if you are wearing
loose trousers to stop them catching in the chain.
- Ensure your vision or control of the bicycle is not
obstructed by any items you may be transporting.
- Do not use items that may impede your hearing.
e.g. Headphones