Ionisation Optical Multisensor Heat
Overheating/thermal combustion Poor Very Good Very Good Very Poor
Smouldering/glowing combustion Moderate/Good Good Good Very Poor
Flaming combustion Very Good Good Good Poor
Flaming with high heat output Very Good Good Very Good Moderate/Good
Flaming - clean burning Poor Very Poor Moderate/Good Moderate/Good
Control Unit Interrogation and Command:
3 bits of command instruction and the 7- bit address are
issued by the control equipment following an initiating pulse.
Interrupt Warning:
Notification that an XP95 manual call point or XP95 Mini
Switch Monitor (interrupt) has been operated.
Analogue Value Report:
Status continually reported.
Input Bits Reporting:
Field devices advise control equipment of actions they have
taken. For smoke and temperature detectors, these confirm
compliance with the output command bits. Bit information
depends on device type.
Automatic Type Identification:
The device being interrogated replies with a 5 bit type
code, allowing up to 32 device types.
Address Confirmation:
The 7- bit address (up to 126 devices per loop) of the
detector responding is confirmed back to the control unit.
XP95 Device Flag:
Tells the control equipment that more information is available.
Alarm Flag:
For accelerated alarm reporting.
Parity Error Check:
For received message accuracy.
Interrupt or Alarm Address:
Provides fast location of a device in alarm state.
High Level Integration:
ASICs technology for lower component count.
Zero Insertion Force Base:
For easier installation and maintenance.
Ease of Maintenance:
Snap lock chambers for easy cleaning.
Surface Mounted Components:
For long life and high reliability
Latest Data Reported:
As well as free running data update, device will update
data when the preceding device is being interrogated.
XPERT Card Addressing:
For fast reliable installation and service.
Unobtrusive Design:
For elegant designs in modern buildings.
Table1 Response characteristics of smoke and heat detectors.