Once you’re done reading, type:
PIP B:=A: *.*[V]<RETURN>
This command first tells PIP to copy all files
on drive A: (“A:*.*”) to drive B: (“B:=”) and
verify that they made it correctly (“[V]”).
Since PIP will be doing a whole bunch of files,
it will display the name of each file as it is
copied. PIP must be used to copy each file one
at a time since the two diskettes are of a
different type and the files must be written to
the diskette according to the diskette’s type.
COPY will not rearrange files into different
arrangements according to the diskette’s type.
PIP will require alot of diskette changes, which
SGLDRIVE will catch and request:
Mount A:, Press <ESC>
Mount B:, Press <ESC>
Whenever SGLDRIVE requests diskette A:, insert
the enhanced CP/M master. When diskette B: is
requested, insert the higher capacity diskette.
To be safe, you should place a write protect tab
over the enhanced CP/M master’s write protect
notch so that that diskette cannot be written
upon. This will insure that the diskette will
not be "destroyed” should you accidentally for-
get to exchange the diskettes.
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