Shortcuts command (Guide menu) 25
Show All command
(Application menu) 43
Show Balloons command
(Guide menu) 24
showing windows on the desktop 43
shrinking the Macintosh
Guide window 23
Shut Down command (Special menu)
11, 37, 51, 68
shutting down the computer,
troubleshooting 11, 37
size box 10
sleep, putting the computer to sleep
12, 46
Sleep command (Special menu) 12, 51
Small Computer System Interface.
Software Highlights program 41
sound in and out ports
Duo Dock II 28, 29
Duo MiniDock 30
Special menu
Empty Trash command 10
Restart command 13
Shut Down command 11, 37, 51, 68
Sleep command 12, 51
spills, cleaning up 64
starting up the computer 4
storing the computer 68
support, obtaining customer assistance
14, 68
switching to another program or
desk accessory 42
“system error” message 13
system software 6
Tab key 70
tape drive, copying files to 43
temperature ranges
for the computer 65
for floppy disks 66
terminators. See cable terminators
three-wire grounding plug 2
title bar 10
Topics button (Macintosh
Guide window) 17–18
Topics button (Macintosh
Shortcuts window) 26
care of 64
correct posture for using 60–61
how to use 8–9