
It is extremely important to insert the Expander’s memory
chips properly. The illustration shows the correct
orientation of the RAM chips and which memory chip
sockets are allocated to each block on the 2 Meg+
Expander. Note the position of the notch (or dot on some
chips). Each RAM chip should have all legs fully seated in
the socket and in the correct position.
OOPS! If power is applied to a chip that is plugged in
backwards, the chip will probably be zapped
immediately. The chip will be damaged. However, no
harm should be done to the board.
Note: You may return your RamWorks card and/or
RamWorks Memory Expander to Applied Engineering
for a memory upgrade with no additional charge for
the installation or testing. Call Applied Engineering
Sales for the latest memory chip prices. The sales
office phone number is (214) 241-6060.
Bank Configuration for Programmers
The table below shows the relationship between the chips and
the bank numbers. From this table you can determine the
addressable banks for each of the chips. The bank designations
are in hexidecimal notations.