AppleShare Client 3.8 User’s Manual
How to Use This Manual
This manual describes how to upgrade and use your AppleShare Client 3.8 software. Print a
copy of this manual so that it is available for easy reference.
System Requirements
You’ll get the best performance from your AppleShare network and be able to use new
features (such as being able to cancel a connection that is taking a long time to establish itself)
by installing the following software:
Mac OS 8.1 or later (which includes Open Transport 1.3.1)
AppleShare Client 3.8
The minimum software required to use AppleShare Client 3.8 is system software version 7.6 or
later and Open Transport 1.1.2 or later. Installing this software will allow you to use AppleShare
Client 3.8, but you won’t have the added enhancements of Mac OS 8.1.
Updating Your System Software
To use AppleShare Client 3.8 you need to upgrade your system software to version 7.6 or later
and configure your AppleTalk and TCP/IP control panels. Contact your server administrator for
information about upgrading your system software and configuring the AppleTalk and TCP/IP
control panels for your network.
If you upgraded from system software version 7.6 to a later version, or if you used the
Mac OS Setup Assistant and the Internet Setup Assistant after installing Mac OS 8.1, then your
AppleTalk and TCP/IP settings are already set up.
To determine the version of system software your computer is running, choose About
This Macintosh (or About This Computer, depending on the version of system software your
computer is currently using) from the Finder’s Apple (
) menu.