You can run Apple Server Diagnostics in Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI), which
is referred to as Server Diagnostics EFI, or in Mac OS X Server, which is referred to as
Server Diagnostics Mac OS X.
By running Server Diagnostics EFI, you can diagnose hardware issues that prevent
Mac OS X Server from successfully starting up. You can also run tests without
interference from Mac OS X Server.
However, Server Diagnostics Mac OS X provides an enhanced interface and has
more extensive sensor, hard drive, and video controller tests. For a comparison and
description of available tests, see “Server Diagnostics Test Reference” on page 37.
You can test the server by running Server Diagnostics on the server. You can also run
Server Diagnostics remotely on a computer with a network connection to the server.
Note: This guide describes how to use Apple Server Diagnostics version 3X108, which
is included on the Admin Tools disc (Mac OS X Server version 10.6 or later).
6 Chapter 1 Overview and Requirements