Installing a device driver
A SCSI device driver is software that lets the server communicate with a
particular SCSI device.
Note: If you have set up your server and connected additional devices, but not
yet turned the server on, return to the section “Plugging In the Server” in
Chapter 1 before installing a device driver.
To i ns t all a driver:
Start up your server, if necessary, and drag the driver icon to the System Folder icon on
your startup disk.
Any drivers needed for a SCSI device are usually on a floppy disk that comes
with the device. (If no drivers come with the device, then it doesn’t need any.)
You may have to restart your server to activate the driver.
Do you need to initialize a hard disk?
You need to initialize a hard disk only in the following cases:
m The disk is new and uninitialized. Your internal hard disk and most external
hard disks are initialized at the factory and do not have to be initialized
again. If you are adding a new non-Apple hard disk to your server, check
your owner’s manual to see if it needs to be initialized.
m Yo u ’v e e x p e r i e n ced repeated errors using this disk. If problems persist after
you reinitialize the disk, the disk is in need of servicing.
You use the Apple Drive Setup program to initialize and name a hard disk.
Apple Drive Setup is provided as part of your system software and can be
found in the Utilities folder on the server’s hard disk as well as on the
Work gr o up Server Software CD-ROM disc. See Chapter 4, “Managing Hard
Disks,” in the Wo rkgr o up Server Administrator’s Guide and the instructions for
preparing a disk for use in the “Disks” topic in Macintosh Guide, available in
the Guide (h) menu.
If you are using the Apple RAID Software that accompanied your Workgroup
Server, you may want to use the Apple RAID Setup program to reinitialize
your hard disk(s) to optimize your server’s performance. See the Apple RAID
Administrator’s Guide for instructions.
62 Chapter 3 / Expanding Your Server and Connecting Other Equipment