Chapter 9 iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store 111
Browsing Starbucks Selections
If you’re in a select Starbucks location (available in the U.S. only), the Starbucks icon
appears at the bottom of the screen next to Featured. Tap the Starbucks icon to find
out what song is playing in the café and browse featured Starbucks Collections.
For a list of select Starbucks locations, go to:
Find out what song is playing
m Tap Starbucks.
The currently playing song appears at the top of the screen. Tap the song to see the
album the song is on and the other songs on the album.
View Recently Played and other Starbucks playlists
Tap Starbucks, then choose Recently Played or one of the Starbucks playlists.
Purchasing Songs and Albums
When you find a song or album you like in the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, you can
purchase and download it to iPhone. You can preview a song before you purchase it to
make sure it’s a song you want. In select Starbucks locations (available in the U.S. only),
you can also preview and purchase the currently playing and other songs from
featured Starbucks Collections.
Preview a song
Tap the song.