m Supports all models of the ADB mouse
m Supports true hardware three-button mouse
DRAM configurations
DRAM is provided in packages called Dual Inline Memory Modules, or DIMMs.
Your server can work with any of several DRAM configurations, depending on
thedensity of the DRAM chips that are mounted on the DIMMs. It supports a
range of DIMMS from 8 MB to 128 MB. The 168-pin parity DIMMs used in
the Network Server are available from Apple in sizes of 8, 16, and 32 MB pairs,
enabling you to increase Network Server memory by 16, 32, or 64 MB. Your
server can have a maximum of 512 MB of memory.
Parity DIMMs must be 72-bit wide, 168-pin fast-paged mode,
60-nanosecond (ns) RAM access time or faster. Parity DRAM must support
byte writes. SIMMs and DIMMs from some Macintosh computers will not
work in the Network Server. The parity DIMMS should be installed in
matched pairs (for example, two 16 MB DIMMs, one in slot 1A, the other in
slot 1B) for maximum performance. Nonparity DRAM that is 168-pin
fast-page mode, 70-nanosecond access time or faster will work in the
Network Server; however, if there is any nonparity DRAM installed, all
server parity checking is disabled and performance is reduced. Consult an
Apple-authorized dealer or service provider for information and upgrades.
Power requirements
Apple Desktop Bus
m Maximum power draw for all ADB devices: 500 milliampere (mA)
m Apple mouse draws up to 10 mA
m Keyboard draws 25–80 mA (varies with keyboard model used)
Note: It is recommended that you connect no more than three ADB devices
to the Network Server.