6 Start the web service by doing one of the following:
In Server Preferences, click Web and move the slider to On. Â
In Server Admin, open the disclosure triangle for your server, select Web, and click Â
Start Web.
Enter the following in Terminal: Â
$ sudo serveradmin start teams;
If prompted, enter your administrator account password.
Viewing a Page’s Metainformation
A page’s metainformation, such as its title, last author, and last modication date, are
stored in:
Replace group_name with the group’s short name. Replace page_uid with the unique
identier of your page.
Blog and mailing list archive pages also each have their own page.plist le.
For information about viewing or editing property list les, see “Editing Property List
Files,” on page 14.
The page.plist le includes the following keys:
Key Example Value Description
author annejohnson Short user name of the original
commentUID groups/group_name/discussion/
Unique identier for the comments
page and its location.
createdDate 2008-02-19T18:58:47Z Original page creation date and
edited <true/>, <false/> Originally set to false, this is set to
true the rst time the page is saved.
kind wiki, weblog, mailinglist Type of page.
lastModiedAuthor ravipatel Short user name of the last person
to edit the page.
modiedDate 2008-03-20T23:49:19Z Last page modication date and
title Welcome Title of the page.
44 Chapter 3 Managing Wiki Content