Technology Overview
Mac OS X Server
Web Hosting
Combining the latest open source and standards-based Internet services, Mac OS X
Server makes it possible for organizations of any size to host websites and deploy
powerful web applications—quickly and a! ordably. Mac OS X Server web technologies
are based on the open source Apache web server, the most widely used HTTP server
on the Internet.
With performance optimized for Mac OS X Server, Apache provides
fast, reliable web hosting and an extensible architecture for delivering dynamic
content and sophisticated web services.
Getting started with Apache
Apple’s innovative administration tools take the complexity out of con guring,
hosting, and managing websites. Apache is precon gured with default settings, so
novices can create a static website in a few simple steps and add features as their
expertise grows. The web server supports aliases for greater website exibility,
making it possible to move web pages without breaking links and to create multiple
URLs that refer to a single le. In addition, support for virtual hosting allows multiple
sites to reside on a single server. Each of the websites can be con gured with unique
security options and separate log les for tracking and reporting.
A graphical interface makes it easy to customize web server settings, as well as to implement
advanced web hosting features.
Hosting dynamic content
Mac OS X Server includes everything professional webmasters need to deploy sophis-
ticated web services: integrated tools for collaborative publishing, inline scripting,
Apache modules, and custom CGIs, as well as support for JavaServer Pages and Java
Servlets. Database-driven sites can be linked to the included MySQL database; ODBC
and JDBC connectivity to other database solutions is also supported.
Weblog services
With the emergence of weblogs, organizations have a quick and easy way to share
information. Weblog Server, included in Mac OS X Server v10.4, makes it simple to
publish and syndicate these online journals. The prede ned blog themes and calendar
navigation provide an intuitive interface for managing blogs. Individual users and
groups can publish and access weblogs using only their normal browsers; no additional
tools or technical expertise is required. This simplicity makes Weblog Server the perfect
collaboration tool.