Getting to Know Your Computer
If you’re eager to get started and want to try out a few things, this chapter is for you. It
provides an overview of your computer’s important hardware and software features.
Want to create your own video masterpieces? Take a look at iMovie and find out how you can
edit video on your computer. Learn how QuickTime can help you view live video broadcasts
from the World Wide Web. And take advantage of the Internet to research information,
update your software, shop, browse the Web for fun, or just get help when you need it.
Here you’ll find a great selection of your computer’s features presented and briefly
explained. Take a test run and see what your computer can do. For more information about a
specific feature, see Chapter 3, “Using Your Computer,” on page 41, and the online
explanations in Mac Help (see page 40).
Note: Pictures showing the latest software features may appear slightly different on your