The DOS-compatibility card inside your computer supports network drivers
that conform to Novell’s Open Data-Link Interface (ODI). This appendix
contains instructions for installing such network management software. It
m installing NetWare client software
m installing Novell’s LAN Workplace for DOS TCP/IP software
m installing NetManage’s Chameleon TCP/IP software
m installing Windows for Workgroups
m installing Spry’s Air Series TCP/IP software
m installing Mosaic
Installing NetWare client software
The instructions in this section will guide you through installation of
client software for Novell NetWare versions 3.12, 4.01, and 4.02.
PersonalNetWare is not supported at this time. You must have Windows
installed before you can install the NetWare client software. If you need to
reinstall Windows, see “Reinstalling PC Software” in the section
“Reinstalling the DOS-Compatibility Software” in Chapter 8.
Before you start, be sure you have the appropriate floppy disks for the version
of NetWare you wish to install.
Appendix D
Installing Network Management Software
Read this appendix for
instructions on installing PC
network management software.