22 Chapter 1 Getting Started
For more information about these features, see Chapter 3, “Using Your MacBook Pro,”
on page 53.
Putting Your MacBook Pro to Sleep or Shutting It Down
When you finish working with your MacBook Pro, you can put it to sleep or shut it
Putting Your MacBook Pro to Sleep
If you will be away from your MacBook Pro for only a short time, put the computer to
sleep. When the computer is in sleep, you can quickly wake it and bypass the startup
To put the computer to sleep, do one of the following:
 Close the display.
 Choose Apple () > Sleep from the menu bar.
 Press the power (®) button and click Sleep in the dialog that appears.
 Choose Apple () > System Preferences, click Energy Saver, and set a sleep timer.
 Press and hold the Play/Pause (’) button on the Apple Remote for 3 seconds.