
File Location
Custom WPS files may be located anywhere on the drive. The only restriction is that
they must end in .wps. When PLAY is pressed on a .wps file, it will be used for future
WPS screens. If the "played" .wps file is located in the /.rockbox folder, it will be
remembered and used after reboot. The .wps filename must be no more than 24
characters long for it to be remembered.
ID3 Info Tags:
%ia : ID3 Artist
%ic : ID3 Composer
%id : ID3 Album Name
%ig : ID3 Genre Name
%in : ID3 Track Number
%it : ID3 Track Title
%iy : ID3 Year
%iv : ID3 Version (1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 or empty if no id3 tag)
Battery Info:
%bl : Show numeric battery level in percent
%bt : Show estimated battery time left
File Info Tags:
%fb : File Bitrate (in kbps)
%ff : File Frequency (in Hz)
%fm : File Name
%fn : File Name (without extension)
%fp : File Path
%fs : File Size (In Kilobytes)
%fv : "(vbr)" if variable bit rate or "" if constant bit rate
%d1 : First directory from end of file path.
%d2 : Second directory from end of file path.
%d3 : Third directory from end of file path.
Example for the the %dN commands: If the path is /Rock/Kent/Isola/11 -747.mp3,
%d1 is "Isola", %d2 is "Kent", %d3 is 'Rock'.
Playlist/Song Info Tags:
%pb : Progress Bar
Player: This will display a 1 character "cup" that empties as the song progresses.
Recorder: This will replace the entire line with a progress bar.
%pf : Player: Full-line progress bar + time display
%pc : Current Time In Song
Rockbox User Manual