30SB, 36SB, 45SB
Snow BEAST Snow Blower
Storage Instructions
Short Term Storage
Let engine cool before storing and do not store
near flame, high heat, and possible ignitions from
Always clean off all flammable material as well as
grime and dirt before storage.
Wash with mild detergent and water only.
After washing the machine engage the engine at
high and let the snow blower run for 5 minutes.
Store snow blower only on the ground.
Do not drain fuel indoors or near a flame.
Always park machine on level ground.
Store the machine in a clean and dry environment.
Always remove the safety key and ground the
spark plug to the engine.
Always run the snow blower before storage to
clear up snow to prevent freeze up.
Check all parts to see if they are in working
Extended Storage
Change air filter.
Make sure all fuel is drained before storing.
To ensure all fuel is drained from the snow blower,
turn the fuel valve off, then run the snow blower
until it runs out of gas before storage.
Add a fuel stabilizer to fresh fuel on the last
refueling day.
Check the spark plugs condition and pour two
tablespoons of engine oil in the spark plug holes
and leave the spark plugs off.
Cover the machine when in storage.
Everything mentioned in short term
storage should also be applied to extended