1. Read all instructions and important safeguards.
2. Remove all packaging materials and make sure items are received in good con-
3. Tear up all plastic bags as they can pose a risk to children.
4. Wash accessories in warm soapy water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
5. Remove inner pot from rice cooker and clean with warm soapy water. Rinse
and dry thoroughly before returning to cooker.
6. Wipe body clean with a damp cloth.
DDoo nnoott uussee aabbrraassiivvee cclleeaanneerrss oorr ssccoouurriinngg ppaaddss..
DDoo nnoott iimmmmeerrssee tthhee rriiccee ccooookkeerr bbaassee,, ccoorrdd oorr pplluugg iinn wwaatteerr aatt aannyy ttiimmee..
BBeeffoorree FFiirrsstt UUssee::
TToo CCooookk RRiiccee::
1. Using the measuring cup provided, measure out the desired amount of rice.
One full, level cup of uncooked rice yields 2 cups of cooked rice.
2. Rinse rice in a separate container until the water becomes relatively clear.
3. Place rinsed rice in the inner pot.
4. Using measuring cup provided or the water measurement lines located inside
the inner pot, add the appropriate amount of water. A rice/water measure-
ment chart is located on page 7 of this instruction manual.
5. For softer rice, allow rice to soak for 10-20 minutes.
6. Making sure that the exterior of the inner pot is clean, dry, and free of debris,
set the inner pot into the rice cooker. Close the lid and plug the power cord
into a wall outlet.
* To avoid loss of steam and longer cooking times, do not open the lid at
any point during the cooking process.
7. Press down on the power switch. The COOK light will illuminate. When the rice
is finished, the unit will automatically switch to warm mode and the WARM light
will illuminate.
8. After cooking, allow rice to stand for 5-10 minutes without opening lid. This
will ensure that the rice is cooked thoroughly.
9. The rice cooker will remain in warm mode until it is unplugged. ALWAYS unplug
the cord from the wall outlet when not in use.
** IItt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt tthhaatt tthhee oouuttssiiddee ssuurrffaaccee ooff tthhee iinnnneerr ppoott iiss ccoommpplleetteellyy
cclleeaann aanndd ddrryy bbeeffoorree iitt iiss ppllaacceedd iinnttoo tthhee rriiccee ccooookkeerr.. WWaatteerr,, ffoooodd,, oorr
ootthheerr ssuubbssttaanncceess oonn tthhee ppoott wwiillll ccoommee iinnttoo ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh tthhee hheeaattiinngg
eelleemmeenntt aanndd mmaayy ccaauussee ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee pprroodduucctt..