3.19 Viewing Statistics
Viewing statistics on a regular basis allows you to evaluate your network’s performance. You can view
current statistics for the switch on a per-port basis and can change your view of those statistics and the
counters displayed in it. To view statistics use the following procedure:
1. Type s in the Main Menu. Select a unit from the System Unit Map screen, and press Enter. The
Port Statistics Counters screen is displayed, as shown below.
IntraCore 3524 Port Statistics Counters Unit: 1 Port: 1
Elapsed Time Since Up: 001:18:21:39
<Counter Name> <Total> <Avg./s> <Counter Name> <Total> <Avg./s>
Total RX Pkts 0 0 Total RX Bytes 0 0
Good Broadcast 0 0 Good Multicast 0 0
Total TX Pkts 0 0 Total TX Bytes 0 0
TX Unicast 0 0 TX Non-unicast 0 0
Dropped Pkts 0 0 Undersize Pkts 0 0
Oversize Pkts 0 0 CRCAlign Errors 0 0
Fragments 0 0 FCS Errors 0 0
Collisions 0 0 Late Events 0 0
64-Byte Pkts 0 0 65-127 Pkts 0 0
128-255 Pkts 0 0 256-511 Pkts 0 0
512-1023 Pkts 0 0 1024-1518 Pkts 0 0
<Cmd> <Description> <Cmd> <Description> <Cmd> <Description>
r since reset x next Unit n next port
t stop refresh v prev Unit p prev port
q quit i select Unit s select port
2. Use the s command to select a port for which you want to see the counters, or use n and p to find
the port.
3. Type
to stop the periodic updating of the counters, so you can record what they are at that time.
4. Type
to see a display of the same counters, but accrued since the last reset of the counters.
5. Type r in the “since reset” screen to reset the statistics counters so you can see them accrue again
from zero.
6. Type
to view another unit’s statistics.
7. Type
to quit either statistics screen and return to the Main Menu.