
Mode Interface Config
10.5.7 admin-mode
Configure administrative mode on a port
Format Switch(Interface 1)# admin-mode {enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config
10.5.8 auto-negotiate
Configure auto-negotiate mode on a port
Format auto-negotiate {enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config
10.5.9 speed
Set port speed to 10Mbps half duplex/ 10Mbps full/ 100Mbps half/ 100Mbps
full/ 1000Mbps 100FX mode/1000base-x full .
Format speed {10hd|10fd|100hd|100fd|1000fd|100fx|1000base-x}
Mode Interface Config
10.5.10 flow-control command
flow-control enable
This command enable flow-control at port.
Format flow-control {enabledisable}
Mode Interface Config
10.5.11 port-security command
This command add or delete a static mac into mac security table.
Format port-security {add|delete} <sourcemac >
Mode Interface Config
2)port-security lock-mode
This command enable/disable port security.
Format port-security lock-mode {none|static}
Mode Interface Config
port-security lock-mode dynamic
This command enable limited dynamic lock mode,and specify maximin
learning entries for limited dynamic lock mode.the max-entries value :0~25.
Format port-security lock-mode dynamic max-entries 24
Mode Interface Config
10.5.12 qos command
This command specifies port-based qos.
Format qos port-based status {enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config
10.5.13 rate-limit command rate-limit Egress
This command limits egress rate, which the unit is Kbps.
Format rate-limit egress <rate>
Mode Interface Config rate-limit Ingress
This command limits ingress rate, which the unit is Kbps.
Format rate-limit ingress <rate>
Mode Interface Config
10.5.14 storm-control command storm-control
Enable/disable storm control.
Format storm-control disable
Mode Interface Config
46 storm-control broadcast
This command storm control for broadcast only, and limited
value :0,64,256,1024,10240,65536.102400,1024000,which the unit is Kbps
135 Asante IntraCore IC3624/48 User’s Manual