
2) show interface statistics
This command is used to display port summary statistics
Format show interface statistics <port-ID>
Mode Privileged Mode show lag
This command is used to display link aggregation groups information
1) show lag lag-index
This command is used to specify an switch lag
Format show lag lag-index <port-ID>
Mode Privileged Mode
2) show lag all
This command is used to display all switch lag
Format show lag all <port-ID>
Mode Privileged Mode show lldp
This command is use to display lldp statistics
1) show lldp statistic
This command is used to display lldp statistic
Format show lldp statistic
Mode Privileged Mode
2) show lldp local
This command is used to display local information
Format show lldp local
Mode Privileged Mode
3) show lldp msap
This command is used to display msap information
Format show lldp msap
Mode Privileged Mode
4) show lldp msap-entry
This command is used to display msap details information
Format show lldp msap-entry <1..26>
Mode Privileged Mode show logging
This command is used to display trap records
1) show logging memory-log
This command display memory log
Format show logging memory-log
Mode Privileged Mode
2) show logging flash-log
This command display flash logs
Format show logging flash-log
Mode Privileged Mode show monitor
This command is used to display port mirroring settings
Format show monitor
Mode Privileged Mode show network
This command is used to configuration for inband connectivity
Format show network
Mode Privileged Mode show port
This command is used to display port mode and settings, display port status
1) show port port-index
This command is used to specify an switch interface
Format show port port-index <port-ID>
Mode Privileged Mode
123 Asante IC3724PWR User’s Manual