
and 0 means no limit.
Format storm-control broadcast <rate>
Mode Interface Config storm-control broadcast-multicast
This command storm control limited
value :0,64,256,1024,10240,65536.102400,1024000,which the unit is Kbps
and 0 means no limit.
Format storm-control broadcast-multicast <rate>
Mode Interface Config storm-control broadcast-unknown
This command storm control limited
value :0,64,256,1024,10240,65536.102400,1024000,which the unit is Kbps
and 0 means no limit.
Format storm-control broadcast-unknown <rate>
Mode Interface Config
e.g. Switch(Interface 1)# storm-control broadcast-unknown 64 storm-control all-cast
This command storm control limited
value :0,64,256,1024,10240,65536.102400,1024000,which the unit is Kbps
and 0 means no limit.
Format storm-control all-cast <rate>
Mode Interface Config
10.5.15 rmon-counter command
This command specifies rmon counter capability on a port
Format rmon-counter {enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config
10.5.16 set igmp-router-port command
This command specifies igmp router port .
Format set igmp-router-port {ebable|disable}
Mode Interface Config
10.5.17 spanning-tree command spanning-tree cost
This command configure RSTP port path cost, path cost value:0~200000000.
Format spanning-tree cost <pathcost>
Mode Interface Config spanning-tree edge
This command configure edge property
Format spanning-tree edge {enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config
e.g. Switch(Interface 1)# spanning-tree edge enable
47 spanning-tree force-p2plink
This command configure force point to point link mode.
Format spanning-tree force-p2plink {auto|enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config spanning-tree migration-check
This command re-checks the appropriate BPDU format to send on this port
Format spanning-tree migration-check {enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config spanning-tree mst
This command configures multiple spanning tree instance.
1) spanning-tree mst cost
This command configure the path cost on a MST instance :1~200000000.
Format spanning-tree mst cost <pathcost>
Mode Interface Config
2) spanning-tree mst priority
136 Asante IntraCore IC39240/480 User’s Manual