
Mode Global Config
snmp trapstation add <ip-addr> community <community name> type
Send no trap.
Format snmp trapstation add <ip-addr> community <community name> type
none trap-version {1-2}
Mode Global Config
2) snmp trapstation delete
This command delete a trap station.
Format snmp trapstation delete <WORD>
Mode Global Config
10.4.18 sntp commands sntp daylight
This command enables or disables the daylight saving configuration.
Format sntp daylight {enable|disable}
Mode Global Config sntp localtime
Configure the local time.
1) sntp localtime enable
This command enables local time.
Format sntp localtime enable
Mode Global Config
2) sntp localtime localtime_date
This command sets local time.
Format sntp localtime localtime_date <year> <month> <date> <hour>
<minute> <second>
Mode Global Config sntp server
1) sntp server enable
This command enables sntp server.
Format sntp server enable
Mode Global Config
2) sntp server ipaddr
This command sets sntp server IP address.
Format sntp server ipaddr <IP-addr>
Mode Global Config
3) sntp server polling
This command sets sntp server polling time interval.
Format sntp serve polling <0-9>
Mode Global Config sntp timezone
This command sets sntp timezone.
Format sntp timezone <1-75>
Mode Global Config
10.4.19 spanning-tree commands
36 spanning-tree forceversion
This command configures Spanning Tree protocol version.
1) spanning-tree forceversion 8021s
This command selects spanning tree type as 8021.s(multiple Spanning Tree).
Format spanning-tree forceversion 8021s
Mode Global Config
2) spanning-tree forceversion 8021w
This command selects spanning tree type as 802.1w(rapid Spanning Tree).
Format spanning-tree forceversion 8021w
Mode Global Config
127 Asante IntraCore IC39240/480 User’s Manual