Page A-1
Table A-1 describes how to troubleshoot problems with your network and/or
the Switch by monitoring the Switch’s LEDs.
Table A-1 Troubleshooting
Problem Action
Power LED is off Make sure the power cord is connected to the power outlet and is properly
inserted into the power connector on the switch.
Determine if the power outlet is functional by plugging another device
into the receptacle.
Link/Data LED
is off
Make sure that the Switch and the device on the other end are both pow-
ered on.
Make sure the link light is on (enabled) for the device on the other end of
the cable.
Make sure that the device on the other end is a 10/100 TX device.
Make sure the proper type of cabling is used between the device and the
Switch. (See “Cabling Requirements” on page 2- 8.)
Make sure the correct cable is connected between the Switch and the net-
work device.
Make sure the cable does not exceed 100 meters.
Push the Uplink button again.
Slow perfor-
Make sure the duplex mode on both ends of the link connection is config-
ured to the same mode (half- or full-duplex).
If your adapter card supports NWay auto-negotiation, make sure the
driver also supports full-duplex mode.