Page 5-21
This menu provides real-time statistical information, in a graph format,
on the device, a selected group, or a selected port.
Table 5-14 describes each field in the Graph menu.
∆ Note: For instructions on using this menu, see “Viewing
Statistics” on page 4-25.
Table 5-14 Graph Menu
Field Description
Seconds Drop-down menu; specifies the amount of time (in sec-
onds) that the device/group/port is polled for information.
Statistics Drop-down menu; determines the object for which statis-
tics are gathered.
For a description of each object, see “Objects” on
page 5-19.
Average per sec-
Displays the average number of occurrences since open-
ing or resetting the screen.
Reset Statistics Button; resets the counters to zero in the graph.
Peak per second Displays the largest number of occurrences since open-
ing or resetting the screen.
Displays the amount of counts per second displayed on
the graph.
To control the count-per-second display, use the
scroll bar on the right side of the graph (scroll up to
increase the count-per-second; scroll down to decrease
Objects For a description of each object, see “Objects” on page