FriendlyNET FM2008/2009
29 User’s Manual
• PVID (Port VID): Set the port VLAN ID that will be assigned to
untagged traffic on a given port. This feature is useful for
accommodating devices that you want to participate in the
VLAN but don’t support tagging. Only one untagged VLAN is
allowed per port
• Ingress Filter 1: Matches Ingress Filtering Rule 1. If enabled,
drops any frame received by the port whose tag doesn’t match
the port’s configured VID. Press Spacebar to toggle between
Enable and Disable
• Ingress Filter 2: Matches Ingress Filtering Rule 2. If enabled,
drops any frame without a VLAN tag. Press Spacebar to toggle
between Enable and Disable
Important! Enabling either of these filters may disrupt communication
through the switch. Please double-check your settings before saving
the VLAN settings. Create a VLAN Group
Create a VLAN and add tagged/untagged member ports to it.
VLAN Name:
Enter a name for the new VLAN
Enter a VID (between 2~4094). The default is 1
Protocol VLAN:
Press the
key to choose the protocol type