
Agent Config Screen
In the Agent Config page, the switch’s current configurations are displayed. You can refer to the following
Agent Config page for your own setting.
Boot Method
There are three modes of Boot Method:
FLASH: Boot your system by flash settings. Flash memory resides in a chip and holds its content
without power. Software images can be stored, booted and rewritten as necessary
BOOTP: Boot your system from BOOTP server (Bootstrap Protocol). A TCP/IP protocol used by a
diskless workstation or network computer to obtain its IP address and other network information
such as server address and default gateway
: Boot your system from DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). Software
automatically assigns IP addresses to client stations logging onto a TCP/IP network
SNMP Management
You can manage the switch using a third-party SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) agent.
Access rights to the SNMP agent are controlled by community strings.
The switch provides up to 4 IP addresses for the access of trap managers. You can submit community
strings on GetCommunity, SetCommunity and TrapCommunity to authorize management access. The
default community strings for the above three items are all public. For security, you should change them to
prevent unauthorized access.
GetCommunity: (Read-only access) means that a member of community can view the information but
cannot make changes to the configuration.
SetCommunity: (Read/Write access) allows the member of the community to view and make changes to
the configuration.
TrapCommunity: (Read/Write access) allows a manager to receive trap events (alarms).