To log messages, use the following command in global configuration mode.
Command Purpose
logging address
IP address of the host to be used as a syslog server.
logging facility
Facility parameters for syslog messages.
logging trap
Set syslog server logging level.
5.1.6 Displaying the Operating Configuration
The configuration file may be displayed from the EXEC (enable) mode.
To see the current operating configuration, enter the following command at the enable prompt:
Switch# show running-config
To see the configuration in NVRAM, enter the following command:
Switch# show startup-config
If you made changes to the configuration, but did not yet write the changes to NVRAM, the results of show running-
config will differ from the results of show startup-config.
5.2 Managing Configuration Files
This section discusses how to download configuration files from remote servers, and store configuration files on the
switch at system startup.
Configuration files contain the commands the switch uses to customize the function of the IC36240. The setup
command facility helps you create a basic configuration file. However, you can manually change the configuration by
typing commands in a configuration mode.
Startup configuration files are used during system startup to configure the software. Running configuration files
contain the current configuration of the system. The two configuration files can be different. For example, you may
want to change the configuration for a short period rather than permanently. In this case, you would change the
running configuration using the configure command, but not save the configuration using the copy running-config
startup-config command. To change the startup configuration, you can either save the running configuration file to
the startup configuration using the copy running-config startup-config command, or copy commands from a file
server to the startup configuration (copy tftp startup config command) without affecting the running configuration.
5.2.1 Configuring from the Terminal
The configuration files are stored in the following places:
• The running configuration is stored in RAM
• The startup configuration is stored in nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM)
To enter the configuration mode, enter the configure command at the privileged EXEC prompt. The software accepts
one configuration command per line. You can enter as many configuration commands as you want.
39 Asante IntraCore IC36240 User’s Manual